2010年7月6日 星期二

Recent thoughts

1. I wish I can connet a huge solar pannel to my AC (air conditioner), so that I can have fewer guilty toward the earth.

What is the influence of evacuating heat air to the outside? what is the solution of living and working in such a hot summer? Tolerance, I think.

And, I start to hate high buildings (skyscraper...)

2. I wish to have enthusiasm in learning. English, medicine, piano...... German in the future. this is encouraged by my friends, Jao, Katherine, Joe, who showed me the heart of loving knowledge.


2010年7月5日 星期一



躺在診療床上 墊著冰枕 等待媽媽來掛號
以下是小弟的語錄 實在讓人想笑 :D

(護士阿姨: 現在是很多人的情況!)

